The EBFL & East Berks Football Alliance: Moving into Adult 11-Aside Football
The East Berkshire Football League and the East Berks Football Alliance have formed a partnership to help clubs from the EBFA transition into adult 11-aside grassroots football.
We have a promotional poster that can be downloaded, and a contact form if you are an EBFA club, a new club outside the EBFA, or a player looking for a new club, to fill out so we can begin your journey into the adult grassroots game.
Contact The East Berkshire Football League
Are you one of the following? If so, we'd love to hear from you and will aim to get back to you as soon as possible! Please address all emails to EBFL League Secretary, Gary Reeves.
- A representative from an EBFA club?
- Interested in joining the EBFL as an adult or development club?
- A player (or group of) looking for a club?
- Looking for information on how to start an adult grassroots football team?